Requiescat in pace

As the path of life unfurls, these are people I’ve encountered along the way whom I wish to remember:

Dan Adams (1919-2011), businessman/USA
Neil Adams (1957-2020), administrator/Australia
Jonathan Adler (1949-2012), philosopher/USA
Andreas Albrecht (ca. 1950-2019), computer scientist/Germany & UK
Dorothee Alsen (ca. 1940-1984), musician/Germany
Alex Armstrong (ca. 1920-ca. 1990), farmer/Australia
Cath Armstrong (ca. 1920-ca. 1990), homemaker/Australia
Kenneth Arrow (1921-2017), economist/USA
Isabelle Atcheson (ca. 1935-1999), musician/Australia
Michael Atiyah OM (1929-2019), mathematician/UK
Pam Baker (1930-2002), lawyer and refugee advocate/Scotland & Hong Kong
Michael Ball (ca. 1950-ca. 2012), mathematician/UK
Steve Barker (ca. 1955-2012), computer scientist/UK
Ole Barndorff-Nielsen (1935-2022), statistician/Denmark
Trevor Baylis (1937-2018), inventor/UK
Christophe Bertrand (1981-2010), composer and pianist/France
David Beach (1943-1999), historian/Zimbabwe
Trevor Bench-Capon (1953-2024), AI researcher and argumentation theorist/UK
Yuri Bessmertny (ca. 1930-2000), medieval historian/Russia
Bruce Bevan (ca. 1969-2024), language teacher, corporate trainer and wit/Australia
Jack Bice (1919-2018), dentist and jazz-fan/Australia
Jennifer Biggar (1946-2008), charity worker/UK
Leo Birsen (1902-1992), violinist and violin teacher/Zimbabwe

J. Anthony Blair (1941-2024), philosopher of argumentation/Canada
Trevor Boyle (ca. 1940-ca. 1973), brass bandmaster/Australia
Leonard Burtenshaw (1931-2024), musician/Australia
Sr. Claver Butler RSM (ca. 1930-2009), piano teacher/Australia
John Button (ca. 1930-2008), businessman/Australia
Jack Caldwell (1928-2016), demographer/Australia
Burgess Don Cameron (1922-2020), macro-economist/Australia
Sr. Clare Castle RSM (ca. 1920-ca. 2000), piano teacher/Australia
David Catling (1954-2006), market researcher/Australia
Joan Charteris (c.1930-2020), homemaker/Australia
John Charteris (1923-2007), veterinarian/Australia
Gordon Chavunduka (1931-2013), sociologist and traditional healer/Zimbabwe
Bernard T. G. Chidzero (1927-2002), public servant and politician/Zimbabwe
Joan Child (1921-2013), politician/Australia
Jackson Chirenje (ca. 1920-ca. 1995), historian/Zimbabwe
William B. Clatanoff (ca. 1944-2016), labor economist/USA
John H. Coates (1945-2022), number theorist/Australia, France & UK
Nicholas Constantinou (ca. 1960-2015), physicist and financier/UK
Kevin Cook (ca. 1963-2018), chef/Australia & Philippines
Barrie Cooke (1923-1990), teacher/Australia
Joan Coxsedge MLC (1931-2024), activist & politician/Australia
Barry Cribb (1928-2020), surfer/Australia
Tess Croke (1929-2016), telephonist/Australia
Dot Crowe (ca. 1915-1975), band leader and piano teacher/Australia
Adm. William J. Crowe (1925-2007), ambassador/USA
Senator Joseph Culverwell (ca. 1920-ca. 2000), politician/Zimbabwe
Marie Daley (1923-2014), homemaker/Australia
Dr P. V. Das (1936-2019), doctor/Australia
Jeremy Davis AM FRSN (1942-2023), corporate strategist and university administrator/Australia
Don Day (1924-2010), politician/Australia
Bernard Diaz (ca. 1955-2015), computer scientist/UK
Warren Digby (ca. 1930-ca. 2010), dentist/Australia
Richard Divall AO OBE (1945-2017), conductor/Australia
Tom Dodd Life Member, FNCASAA (ca. 1930-c.2000), swimming coach/Australia
Tom Donaldson (1945-2006), mathematician/USA & Australia
Don Dunstan (1926-1999), politician/Australia
Anthony Eastwood (1940-2015), lawyer/Zimbabwe
Patrick Eastwood (ca. 1983-ca. 2005), Zimbabwe
Sol Encel (1925-2010), sociologist and futurologist/Australia
Dennis Flatley (1959-1970), student/Australia
Ken Flower (ca. 1920-1987), intelligence agent/Zimbabwe
Patrick Foley (ca. 1940-2010), public servant/Australia
Denise Fortune (1931-2012), homemaker/Zimbabwe
George Fortune (1915-2012), linguist/Zimbabwe
John Fox (ca.1950-2021), AI researcher/UK
Gary Franklin (ca. 1960-1991), market researcher/UK
Doris Galen (1925-2017), lawyer & academic, who worked on defence of the Chicago 7 with William Kunstler/USA
Noel Galen (1924-2018), psychiatrist/USA & Belize
George Gardner (1930-2013), teacher/Australia
James Gardner (ca. 1965-ca. 1975), student/Australia
Peter Garlake (1934-2011), archaeologist and art historian/Zimbabwe
Sil Gava (ca. 1935-2019), car dealer/Australia
John Harry Gay (1928-2022), mathematician, musician, theologian and polymath/USA, Liberia and Lesotho
Norman Geras (1943-2013), political philosopher and blogger/UK
Alan Gibbons (1942-2024), computer scientist/UK
Richard Gill AO (1941-2018), music educator and conductor/Australia
Stephen E. Gill RAN (1958-1980), sailor/Australia
Harry Gold (1907-2005), jazz musician/UK
Bill Gooley (1957-2024), business executive/Australia
Kesara Goonawardena (1949-2023), engineer/Sri Lanka and Australia
Michael Gordon (1937-2018), electronic engineer & business executive/UK and Australia
Albert Goss (ca. 1900-ca. 1985), engineer/Australia
Olive Emily Goss (1905-1987), homemaker/Australia
Bob Gould (1937-2011), activist and bookseller/Australia
Oz Graham (ca. 1920-ca. 1999), farmer/Australia
Sydney Broadway (“Syd”) Grange AO OBE MVO (1912–1996), swimming official/Australia
Colin Grant (1946-2014), chemical engineer and university administrator/UK
Jack Green (ca. 1925-ca. 2010), solicitor/Australia
Norman Green (1926-2014), optometrist/UK
Sylvia Green (ca. 1929-2025), homemaker/UK
Gertrude Gudza (ca. 1940-1984), businesswoman/Zimbabwe
Myrtle H, homemaker and proto-blogger/Australia
Neill Haine (c.1940-2022), market researcher & business strategist/Australia
Peter Hall AO (1951-2016), statistician/Australia
May Handford (1929-2019), homemaker/Australia
Mick Handford (1916-2001), tree feller/Australia
Jem Hanley (1909-1984), homemaker/Australia
John Hanley (1937-2000), tradesman/Australia
Richard Hanley (1884-1961), farmer/Australia
Martin Harvey (1949-2011), mathematician/Zimbabwe
Adrian Hastings (1929-2001), theologian/UK
Robert J. L. Hawke AC GCL (1929-2019), trade unionist and politician/Australia
Michael Heath (1956-2013), US Navy SEAL and businessman/USA
Chip Heathcote (1931-2016), statistician/Australia
Nina Heathcote (ca. 1935-2012), political scientist and homemaker/Australia
John Helstowski (ca. 1946-2016), telecommunications engineer/USA
Roy Hemlock (ca. 1950-2008), building manager/UK
Sr. Columbanus Hennigan RSM (ca. 1920-ca. 1990), piano teacher/Australia
Bob Hetherington MLC OAM (1923-2015), politician/Australia
Penny Hetherington (1928-2022), historian/Australia
Len Hislop (ca. 1935-ca. 2010), mechanic/Australia
Jack Hobbins (1934-2022), publican/Australia
Judy Hobbins (1933-2018), homemaker/Australia
Philip Holloway (1959-1991), photographer/Australia
Nick Holman (1919-2002), teacher and political activist/Zimbabwe
Alec Hope (1907-2000), poet/Australia
Donald Horne (1921-2005), journalist and writer/Australia
Bela (Bill) Horvath (ca.1920-ca.2000), architect/Hungary & Australia
Irene Horvath (ca.1915-ca.1995), architect/Hungary & Australia
Colin Howson (1945-2020), philosopher and logician/UK
Helen Hughes AO (1928-2013), economist/Australia
Terence Hunt (1911-1981), music educationist/Australia
Stanley Hyman (ca. 1915-1986), sociologist/UK
Costas Iliopoulos (ca. 1953-2024), computer scientist/Greece & UK
Eric James (ca. 1920- ca. 1990), bar manager & last mounted policeman in Captains Flat/Australia
Reg Jones (1913-1986), newsagent and Japanese PoW/Australia
Vivian Joseph (1916-2005), cellist/UK
George Kahari (1930-2021), chiShona linguist/Zimbabwe
Walter Kamba (1931-2007), lawyer and vice-chancellor/Zimbabwe
Frank Karam (ca. 1937-2017), retailer/Australia
Lena Karmel (1922-2017), Japanese war crimes tribunal official and homemaker/Australia
Brian Kearney (ca. 1935-ca. 1975), teacher/Australia
Don Keelan (1931-2013), telecommunications engineer/Australia
Kgosi Linchwe II Kgafela (1935-2007), ambassador and politician/Botswana
Kathleen Nono Kgafela (nee Motsepe), Mofumagadi Mma Seingwaeng (1943-2022), home-maker and community leader/Botswana
Alfred Priestley (Knotty) Knottenbelt (ca. 1920 – ca. 1990), teacher and political activist/ Zimbabwe
Peggy Knottenbelt (ca. 1920-ca. 1984), homemaker/Zimbabwe
Gordon Lampitt (ca. 1936-2010), statistician/Zimbabwe
Hugh Lewin (1939-2019), journalist/South Africa
Anne Morgan Lewis (1926-2002), free spirit/Zimbabwe
John Logan (1940-1998), economist/Australia
William Mansfield (1942-2011), trades unionist and judge/Australia
Dambudzo Marechera (1952-1987), novelist and raconteur/Zimbabwe
Murray MacBeath (1946-1995), philosopher/UK
Kempton Makamure (ca. 1950-ca. 2003), legal scholar/Zimbabwe
John Makumbe (1949-2013), political scientist and activist/Zimbabwe
Richmond Manyweathers MLC (1907-1989), politician/Australia
Dorothy Masuku (1935-2019), singer/Zimbabwe
Gabriel Matindike (ca. 1960 – ca. 1995), businessman/Zimbabwe
Robert May AC (1936-2020), mathematician/Australia & UK
Mary McAuliffe (ca. 1935 – ca. 2000), nurse/Australia
Peter McAuliffe (1912-1992), farmer/Australia
Agnes McBurney (1904-1976), homemaker/Australia
Anne McBurney (1934-2010), hospital administrator/Australia
John McBurney Life Member, FNCASAA (1932-1998), telecommunications engineer & trombonist/Australia
Ken McBurney (1929-1982), trumpeter/Australia
Grant McCall (1943-2023), anthropologist/USA and Australia
Nancy McDougall (ca. 1920 – ca. 1990), elocution teacher/Australia
Alan McGearey (1931-1993), businessman/Australia
Leslie McGearey (1930-2020), telephonist and homemaker/Australia
Catherine McGovern (1957-2009), homemaker/Australia
John McGovern (ca. 1930-2011), pianist and violinist/Australia
Dorothy McKenzie (ca. 1925-ca. 2010), homemaker/Australia
Keith McKenzie CMG (1921-2019), Commonwealth public servant/Australia
Ted (“Blue”) McKinley (1933-2022), telecommunications engineer/Australia
Alan McPherson (ca. 1920-1990), builder/Australia
Dot McPerson (ca. 1920-ca. 2000), administrator/Australia
Ian McPherson (ca. 1950-2014), tradesman/Australia
Maureen McPherson (1923-2019), dressmaker and homemaker/Australia
Peter McShane (ca. 1930-2003), administrator and godparent/Australia
Colin Meale (1926-1992), headmaster/Australia
Oliver Meale (1897-1980), engineer/Australia
Tony Meale (1962-2014), wit/Australia
Alan Michette (ca. 1950-2013), physicist/UK
Tom Mildinhall (ca. 1980-2006), soldier/UK
Arthur Miller (1900-1990), Surveyor-General of the Northern Territory/Australia
David Miller (ca. 1930- ca. 2000), administrator/Australia
Robin Milner (1934-2010), computer scientist/UK
Mrs Minns (ca.1900-1975), homemaker/Australia
Diana Mitchell (1932-2016), historian and political activist/Zimbabwe
Madi Petitmaitre Morgan (ca. 1900-ca. 1984), homemaker/Zimbabwe
Madge Morton (1924-2016), community activist/Australia
Solomon Mujuru (aka Rex Nhongo) (1949-2011), soldier and businessman/ Zimbabwe
Oliver Munyaradzi (ca. 1930-2006), doctor and politician/Zimbabwe
Tererei Munyaradzi (ca. 1960-ca. 1990), scientist/Zimbabwe
Robert Nestdale (1949-1989), political activist/Australia
Zedekia Ngavirue (1933-2021), diplomat/ Namibia
Reg Ngonyama (ca. 1960-ca. 1990), free spirit/Zimbabwe
Neil Nicholl (ca. 1930-ca. 1982), doctor/Australia
Robert Oakeshott (1933-2011), social activist/UK
Fr. Frank O’Gorman (ca. 1927-2017), priest/Australia
Joan O’Keefe (ca. 1946-2016), nurse & homemaker/Australia
Mike Overmeyer (ca. 1950-2003), journalist/South Africa
Logan Pakkiri (ca, 1945-ca. 1995), economist/Zimbabwe
Brian Parsons (1932-2019), management consultant/UK
Josh Parsons (1973-2017), philosopher/New Zealand & UK
Ray Paton (1954-2004), computer scientist/UK
Roger Pegram MBE OAM (1922-2007), swimming official/Australia
Jim Penberthy AM (1917-1999), composer/Australia
Eric Phinney (1965-2023), percussionist/USA
Clive Pinkerton (ca. 1930-ca. 2010), optometrist/Australia
Harry Pinkerton (ca. 1900-ca. 1980), golfer/Australia
Jan Pinkerton (1963-2020), dancer/Australia
Nella Pinkerton (ca.1931-2025), homemaker/Australia
Robert Pinto (1935-2019), philosopher of argumentation/Canada
Hans von Pirquet (1934-2008), businessman/Austria & Germany
John Pollock (1940-2009), philosopher/USA
John Pricken (1956-2011), businessman and poet/USA
Jan Raath (ca.1941-2023), journalist/South Africa & Zimbabwe
Terence Ranger (1929-2015), historian/UK
Dianne Rekow (ca.1950-2022), dental technology engineer & academic/USA
Fr. John Relihan OAM (1914-1998), priest/Australia
Malcolm Rennie (1940-1980), philosopher and logician/Australia
Jan Reye (ca. 1960-2000), public servant/Australia
Phil Ridler (ca. 1920- ca. 1995), computer scientist/Zimbabwe
John Ritchie AO (1941-2006), historian/Australia
Richard Roberts (1950-2017), economic historian/UK
Geoffrey Rossiter (1916-2004), historian/Australia
Bill Royce (ca. 1920-ca. 1995), swimming coach/Australia
Oliver Sacks (1933-2015), neurologist and writer/UK and USA
Sergio Salbany (1941-2005), mathematician/South Africa
Kim Santow AO (1941-2008), lawyer and judge/Australia
Bishop John Satterthwaite (1928-2016), engineer and Bishop of Lismore/Australia
Isadore Schamroth (1929-2018), businessman/South Africa and UK
Michael Scriven (1928-2023), philosopher/Australia and USA
Norm Seccombe (ca. 1928-2016), cattleman/Australia.
Ann W Seidman (1926-2019), political economist/USA
Robert B Seidman (1920-2014), legal theorist/USA
Eugene (“Gene”) Sekulow (1931-2021), telecommunications executive/USA
Albert Shipway (1931-2020), telecommunications engineer/Australia
Margaret Shipway (1930-2012), administrator and artist/Australia
Philip Shrapnel (ca. 1920-ca. 1995), economist/Australia
Joan Shuker (ca. 1940-2012), teacher/UK and South Africa
Leon Shuker (ca. 1930-2022), teacher/UK and South Africa
John Simmonds (ca. 1930-ca. 1996), headmaster/Australia
John Sinclair (1933-2007), linguist/UK
Gertrude Sithole (ca. 1956-1986), lawyer/Zimbabwe
Leo Sjosted (ca. 1932-2006), salesman/Australia
Debra Sklar (ca. 1964-2014), artist/USA
Philippe Smets (1938-2005), knowledge engineer/Belgium
Pam Smith (1939-2018), homemaker/Australia
Peter Spence (1957-ca. 2015), Australia
Brian Stacey (1946-1996), musician/Australia
Thomas Stapleton, PRC Friendship Award  (1920-2007), paediatrician/UK & Australia
Stuart Stevenson (ca. 1940-2012), urban planner/Zimbabwe
Trudy Stevenson (1944-2018), politician & diplomat/Zimbabwe
James Stewart (ca. 1924-1984), lawyer and political activist/South Africa
Joan Stewart (ca. 1924-1984), teacher and political activist/South Africa
Patrick Stuart (ca. 1940-2007), accountant/UK and Lesotho
Tony Sullivan (1958-1978), farmer/Australia
Oliver Tambo (1917-1993), activist/South Africa
Pamela Taylor (1933-2024), librarian/Australia
Charles Tazvishaya (aka Lovemore Mawisa) (ca. 1955-1985), public servant/ Zimbabwe
Paul Thistlewaite (ca. 1955-1999), knowledge engineer/Australia
Frank Torpie (1934-1989), teacher/Australia
Smith Torrens (1874-1963), tree feller & market gardener/Australia
Wilfred Elmo Torrens (1904-1977), engineer/Australia
Helen Towsey (ca. 1910-ca. 1990), homemaker/UK
Peter Towsey (ca. 1910-1998), accountant/UK
David Trendell (1964-2014), organist and choirmaster/UK
Pam Turner (ca. 1936-2022), journalist & photographer/Australia
David Urquhart-Jones (ca. 1930-2024), musician, conductor and composer/UK, Papua New Guinea & Australia
Herbert Ushewokunze (1938-1995), doctor and politician/Zimbabwe
Henry Van Demark (ca. 1942-2021), Freedom Summer participant and telecommunications executive/USA & France
Senthil Vasan (1936-1998), doctor and politician/Australia
Alessandro De Vita (ca. 1965-2018), physicist/UK and Italy
Tomas Vitek (ca. 1992-2022), AI researcher/Czechia & UK
Michael Walker OBE (1947-2018), mathematician and telecoms engineer/UK and Germany
Douglas Walton (1942-2020), philosopher/Canada
Agnes Hilda Warman (1900-1972/12/25), homemaker and painter/Australia
Bertram Warman (ca. 1900-ca. 1970), farmer/Australia
Amy Weary Life Member, FNCASAA (ca. 1930-ca. 2000), swimming official/Australia
Lloyd Webster (ca. 1930-2012), draughtsman/Australia
Frederick Wedd (1890-1972), trumpeter and bandmaster/Australia
Gary Whale (1943-2019), teacher and community activist/Australia
Ted Wheelwright (1921-2007), economist/Australia
Laurie White (c.1931-2020), public servant/Australia
Margaret Whitter (1926-2017), nurse and homemaker/Australia
James Wiegold (1934-2009), mathematician/UK
Elaine Wiesel (ca. 1925-ca. 1985), continuity lady and free spirit/Australia
Michael Wiesel (ca. 1925-ca. 1995), clockmaker (portrait by Fred Williams, 1969)/ Australia
James Wishart (1956-2018), composer and pianist/UK
John de Wit (ca. 1925-ca. 1995), businessman/Netherlands & Australia
Shiona Wood (ca. 1949-2006), film activist/Scotland
Martin Woodward (1948-2006), computer scientist/UK
John Woods (1937-2024), philosopher/Canada
Lian (Lynn) Xia (ca. 1925-2022), homemaker/China and Australia
Heather Yarwood (ca. 1935-ca. 1975), homemaker and opera singer/Australia
Alexander Youngson (1918-2004), economic historian/UK & Australia
Florence Zahn (ca. 1930-2021), homemaker/USA
Irwin Zahn (ca. 1926-2021), engineer, entrepreneur and philanthropist/USA
Jerzy Zubrzycki CBE AO (1920-2009), sociologist/Poland & Australia.

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